A Letter From the CEO
IN MY FIRST YEAR as CEO of LifeMoves, I have heard words like “unprecedented,” “uncharted,” and “uncertain.” While we validate and address the many struggles our community have faced, we have seen that progress and tangible impact were achieved when we moved forward with certainty and confidence. This is one of many reasons why I look back on FY21 and think of “purpose,” “resilience,” “gratitude,” and “hope.”
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Words cannot express how thankful and inspired I am by what we have accomplished. Periods of change can be unsettling, but anything is possible when we take control of our destiny. We exhibited relentless drive, a commitment to continuous improvement, and the constant push to take more bold and decisive actions. As a result, our teams served even more people experiencing and at risk of homelessness, helping them rediscover their strength, stability, and sense of self.
In FY21, we served 7,231 unhoused people across all LifeMoves sites, helping 89% of families and 69% of all those engaging in our programs return to self-sufficiency.
These programs include operating a number of motels in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties for both at-risk and COVID positive clients, amounting to over 45,000 nights of shelter and more than 1,200,000 hours of wraparound case management services during the past fiscal year.
With your support, we began operating LifeMoves Coast House, the first interim supportive housing site in the Half Moon Bay region for unhoused individuals, couples, and families.
And in just eight months, we transformed an empty construction site into LifeMoves Mountain View, a 100-door community – using rapidly deployed modular units – that has already achieved successful outcomes since opening in May.
These innovative new programs, long hours of dedicated work by clients and staff, and first-hand stories of growth, transformation, and triumph would not be possible without your support. After another tough year, you showed up, gave back, and gave big. Thank you!
Together, we can help those who need it most, support even more of our community, and reach new, impactful heights in our tireless work to solve homelessness here at home.

Aubrey Merriman
Chief Executive Office

Achieving Our Mission
Despite the challenges of last year, we are proud of being able to accomplish our mission: to support families and individuals experiencing homelessness in their efforts to rapidly return to stable housing and achieve self-sufficiency.
Our Success
1 of 5
shelter beds are occupied by children
1 of 10
adult clients are veterans
”I got the help I needed, a place to sleep, and job referrals. Now, I have my own apartment again. It can be done. No matter how many doors shut, you've got to keep going.

Our Comprehensive Approach
Our model works – 89% of families and 69% of all those engaging in our programs return to stable housing.
Where We Serve
LifeMoves operates 26 facilities across San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.

”Being here at LifeMoves, I’ve never felt more secure and in place with my life. Even though I have rules and a case plan, I feel like I’m running my own show and marching towards what I want.

Housing Moves
Creating More Journeys to Independence
Key to the LifeMoves mission is supporting our clients on their journey to independence and a home to call their own. Our dedicated staff work tirelessly to make this goal a reality for all of our clients. Our clients receive comprehensive support from LifeMoves services and programs. Those who need it, get custom-designed case management plans based on their unique strengths and challenges. Clients also receive assistance with rapid re-housing programs, finding affordable housing, connecting to housing benefits, and submitting rental applications. In FY21, despite the ongoing pandemic, LifeMoves successfully returned almost 2,000 clients to stable housing and self-sufficiency
Financial Moves
Getting Clients on Sound Financial Footing
With continued economic uncertainty related to the pandemic, LifeMoves offers our clients a deeper level of financial training to better prepare them for success in the future. Focused on the ultimate goal of long-term stability, we provide workshops, as well as individual coaching, on topics such as budgeting, building and repairing credit, savings strategies, and techniques for borrowing money wisely. When clients leave LifeMoves on sound financial footing, it means that these individuals and families have the tools they need to thrive and contribute to our community.

Career Moves
Increasing Employment Skills & Earning Potential
COVID-19 changed the way many of us work in Silicon Valley. While wages have been increasing in some sectors, many of our clients continue to work at service sector jobs that simply don’t pay a living wage for the Bay Area. To address this barrier, LifeMoves employment counseling staff focus on helping our adult clients increase their employment opportunities and earning potential through employment skills training, resume development, job search training, and interview coaching. This work supports our clients who are unemployed and underemployed, so they are better prepared to transition back to permanent housing with stable employment.
Behavioral Moves
Addressing Behavioral Health Challenges for Better Housing Outcomes
2020 presented a series of seemingly insurmountable hardships. Our communities coped with incredible loss – loss of routine, loss of career, and loss of loved ones. In response to increased stress and trauma, LifeMoves offered resources to best support the mental health and wellbeing of all clients and staff, including therapeutic services provided by video or tele-health.
The experience of homelessness is traumatic in and of itself — and many of our clients have experienced chronic trauma over the course of their lives. LifeMoves provides integrated behavioral health services and support designed to foster mental and emotional wellness, enhanced interpersonal capacity, and self-efficacy for the children, families, adults, Veterans, and seniors we serve. Services include addiction and recovery support, on-site mental health assessments, and both one-on-one and group therapy.

Health Moves
Addressing Underlying Health Issues
Healthy adults are more likely to be able to retain a job and remain housed than adults in poor health or with chronic medical conditions. Many LifeMoves clients are at higher-risk for medical complications than the general public; some are elderly, with chronic conditions that have been untreated; others are Veterans with medical vulnerabilities.
Our case managers enroll clients in available insurance, and for clients needing medical services or support, LifeMoves works in partnership with local public health programs and community partners to get our clients the care they need. For many clients, addressing chronic or underlying health conditions is often a necessary first step on their journey to return to stable housing.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, LifeMoves has taken additional efforts to protect the health and safety of our clients and staff, including sponsoring vaccine clinics at several of our sites. We are continuing our efforts to improve vaccination rates among individuals and families experiencing homelessness, for the protection of those clients, as well as the community at large.
Learning Moves
Ensuring Children (& Adults) Continue Their Education
With eight shelters and several service sites that serve families, one in every five LifeMoves clients is a minor child. Children experiencing homelessness have often missed substantial periods of school, so our Education Team and Children’s Services Coordinators work diligently to ensure that all school-aged children are immediately enrolled in the school of their choice. We also aim to ensure they have all of the equipment and supplies they need to be successful.
When school became remote at the start of the pandemic, we were able to supply all of our school-aged children with the equipment they needed to attend school virtually (including tablets or Chromebooks, headphones, and hotspots). LifeMoves staff worked quickly to make academic programming safe, engaging, and socially distanced.
In addition to addressing the educational needs of the children in our shelters, LifeMoves also supports adults who wish to advance their education, whether it be completing a GED or enrolling in community college.

”Becoming homeless was challenging because I suffer from anxiety, depression, and fear of the unknown. I didn’t want to leave Julian Street Inn until I knew I had a stable job and better state of mind. My therapist and case manager got me to do the things I needed to do and helped me become a better person — it means a lot to me.
Innovating for Impact
LifeMoves Mountain View
A Local Solution
An Innovative Model for Others

LifeMoves Mountain View came at a critical time for our community. Homelessness was already a challenging and increasingly dire situation in Silicon Valley. The pandemic and continuing aftershocks made it devastating. Working with the City of Mountain View, the County of Santa Clara, and other partners, we built and began operating the LifeMoves Mountain View interim housing village in only eight months. In its first year alone, it can serve more than half of Mountain View’s current homeless population. Coupled with the LifeMoves proven approach using supportive services and personalized case management, this community will visibly impact local homelessness.
LifeMoves Coast House
Safe Shelter with Supportive Services Leads to Self-Sufficiency

With 50 private rooms, LifeMoves Coast House offers safe shelter and wraparound case management services to help clients work toward self-sufficiency and return to homes of their own, creating a better community for all.
We are excited to help meet the growing need in this region, and we greatly appreciate the partnership of the City of Half Moon Bay and the County of San Mateo, whose leadership made possible this opportunity to further reduce homelessness in San Mateo County.
Revenue & Expenses

Includes corporate partners who
have contributed $5,000 and greater.

Board Members
- Joe Stockwell | CHAIR OF THE BOARD
- Patrick Heron | VICE-CHAIR
- Greg Eckert | TREASURER
- Julie Gruber | SECRETARY
- Pastor Paul Bains
- Sarah Boisseree
- Holly Campbell
- Christina Corpus
- Elizabeth Funk
- Scott Goree
- Tiffany Hong
- Martha Joseph
- Ahmed Khatib
- Lauren Koenig
- Amanda L. Riddle
- Melissa Selcher
- May Topper
- Pamela Weiss
- William “Bill” Butler
- Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
- Rod Ferguson
- Monica Ip
- Christine Krolik
- David Lichtenger
- Steve Luzaich
- Jillian Manus
- Marcia Pade
- William “Bill” Regan
- Congresswoman Jackie Speier
Community Support
We are so grateful for the support of our dedicated LifeMoves volunteers, whose time, efforts, and creativity were especially crucial during the last twelve months. From DIY hygiene kits for our female clients, to heartwarming shoe drives, and an outpouring of generosity through the bittersweet holiday season, community members and local organizations gave countless hours to projects that helped our clients feel at ease and at home.
LifeMoves hopes to resume in-person volunteering as health regulations develop in the new year, and we look forward to seeing you again soon
Make a Financial Contribution
Your gift ensures that we can continue to provide housing and supportive services to thousands of homeless children and adults. Contact Katherine Finnigan to make a gift of stock, property, or DAF grant.
Ask Your Employer to Match Gifts
Many companies offer matching donations to double the impact of your gift. See if your employer will match your donation to LifeMoves.
Include LifeMoves in Your Estate Plan
By making a gift through your will or trust, you can leave a legacy of shelter and services for local homeless families and individuals for years to come. To learn more, contact Katherine Finnigan.
Donate a Vehicle, Stock, or
Find out about creative giving options that offer the greatest philanthropic impact.
Contact Debs Goncalves to donate a vehicle, clothing, or other items.
Volunteer Virtually with Your Company
Create fun and engaging team-building activities that make an impact for people in need. Contact Marissa Dong.
Contribute Pro Bono Skills
Give your professional time to provide consulting services on an as-needed basis. Contact volunteer@lifemoves.org.
Donate or Sponsor Meals
Drop off prepared meals or sponsor a meal delivery to help ensure the 1,549 people staying at a LifeMoves site have access to healthy, fresh, and nutritious meals. Contact Alex Mazariegos.
Hire a Jobseeker
Hire motivated, qualified employees working to build brighter futures.
Become a Landlord Leader
Rent your apartment to one of our clients, and give a second chance to a responsible tenant. Contact Bernah Posadas.
Take a Virtual Tour of LifeMoves Programs
Schedule a tour and see firsthand the impact of our services. Contact Shelby Dobrenz.
Attend a Virtual Family Engagement Workshop
Our virtual Family Engagement Workshop teaches families with children age 8-13 about homelessness through age appropriate, engaging, and inspiring activities and discussion. Contact Shelby Dobrenz.

Thank you
We are deeply grateful to each person, group, company, and foundation who has helped us through an extraordinarily challenging year. Your generosity makes a life-changing difference for thousands of people in Silicon Valley. Thank you!
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