Donate Stock
Unlocking Generosity

At LifeMoves, we believe in the power of community coming together to transform lives. If you're looking for a meaningful way to give back, consider donating stock to LifeMoves. This simple act can have a profound impact on individuals and families facing homelessness, providing them with the hope and support they need to rebuild their lives.
Why Donate Stock?
Maximize Your Impact
Donating appreciated stocks directly to LifeMoves allows you to magnify your impact. By giving stock that has increased in value, you not only contribute to our mission but also potentially avoid capital gains taxes.
Simple & Convenient
Donating stock is easy and hassle-free. Our team is here to guide you through the process, making it seamless from start to finish.
Gain Tax Benefits
Donating stock to LifeMoves can offer significant tax advantages. You may be eligible for a charitable tax deduction based on the stock’s current market value, and you can avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation. LifeMoves does not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your own professional tax or legal advisor before making any charitable gift decision based on this information.
How to Donate Stock
Complete a Form
To donate stock or other securities, please print and complete the Securities Transfer Request Form (DOC).
Once completed, send it to your broker to complete the transfer.
Send Info to Your Broker
Alternatively, you may send the following information to your broker:
Account Name: LifeMoves
DTC#: 0955
Account #: 011000046033
Broker: Bank of America
Contact: John Ostler
Phone: 213.861.5183
Send a Copy to LifeMoves to Ensure Your Donation
To ensure that LifeMoves receives your donation, in addition to sending your Securities Transfer Request Form to your broker, please send a copy to LifeMoves at
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