Our Meal Programs ensure that the 1,300+ unhoused families and individuals in our programs have access to healthy, fresh, and nutritious meals every single day.
Help provide fresh and nutritious food to build a foundation for health and wellness.

Volunteer at a LifeMoves shelter to provide and serve meals in-person or even just provide and drop-off meals. Our Meals Program is a perfect opportunity for you and your star-filled team to make a visible impact.
You can sign-up for meal service, check out our nutrition policy, and review the USDA’s Food Safety guidelines via the buttons below. Check out our quick LifeMoves shelter directory (also below) to get info on the number of meals needed, days available for meal service, and more for each shelter that’s a part of our Meals Program.
For any questions, please reach out to us via the “Contact Us” button near the bottom of the page.
Meal Service Across San Mateo County
LifeMoves | First Step for Families
Meal Service in San Mateo County
LifeMoves | First Step for Families provides interim shelter and services to 39 families experiencing homelessness in San Mateo.
Provide meals for up to 135 clients.

Meal Service Across Santa Clara County
LifeMoves | Georgia Travis House
Meal Service in Santa Clara County
LifeMoves | Georgia Travis House provides interim shelter and supportive services to 12 families and 15 single women experiencing homelessness in San Jose.
Provide meals for up to 50 clients.

LifeMoves | Julian Street Inn
Meal Service in Santa Clara County
LifeMoves | Julian Street Inn provides emergency and transitional housing for adults working to overcome homelessness and severe mental illness.
Provide meals for up to 60 clients.

LifeMoves | Mountain View
Meal Service in Santa Clara County
LifeMoves Mountain View provides supportive interim housing and wraparound services to families, couples, and individuals experiencing homelessness.
Provide meals for up to 120 clients.

LifeMoves | Montgomery Street Inn
Meal Service in Santa Clara County
LifeMoves | Montgomery Street Inn (MSI) provides emergency and transitional housing for up to 90 single adult men per night with case management, Veteran’s services, medical respite care, and other support services.
Provide meals for up to 60 clients.

LifeMoves | Villa
Meal Service in Santa Clara County
LifeMoves | Villa provides interim shelter and services to 15 families and 18 single women experiencing homelessness in San Jose. Villa also serves up to 5 Veteran families each night.
Provide meals for up to 55 clients.

Questions about Providing a Meal?
Contact Us
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